Praise and Worship God

Praise and Worship God

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Meaning Of Repentance



IT IS NOT MERE REGRET. Criminals often regret their deeds when the fear of punishment is faced. But this does not imply a hatred for sin or a turning to God. Judas repented of his treachery (Matthew 27: 3) when he saw that Christ was condemned. He deeply regretted his act, but this repentance was not a sorrow for sin or a turning from sin. He simply regretted what he had done and wished he had not done it.
IT IS NOT MERE REFORMATION. Many turn over a new leaf who know nothing of a new life in Christ. Reformation is simply a self-made or man-made change like altering one’s lifestyle, giving up a habit, joining a church, etc.
IT IS NOT SIMPLY SORROW. While sorrow for sin is a normal aspect of a salvation experience, it is not repentance itself. In 2 Corinthians 7: 10, the Apostle Paul said, Godly sorrow works repentance to salvation.
IT IS NOT DOING PENANCE. Doing penance is an effort on the part of a guilty sinner to pay for his sins. Christ has FULLY PAID THE RANSOM (Mark 10: 45) for all of our sins (1 Peter 2:24). The Bible does not say, God commandeth all men to do penance, but to repent (Acts 17:30). If salvation results from doing penance, forgiveness can be purchased!


The word for the verb repent is metanoe’o which means literally “to change one’s mind and purpose.” In the New Testament it is always a change for the better and always refers to a turning from sin.
The word for the noun repent is metanoi’a which means simply “a change of mind.” It is used for repentance from sin or evil.
In verses like 2 Corinthians 7: 8 and Matthew 21:29, the word used is metamelomai which signifies “regret or sorrow of heart.”
Genuine repentance, then, involves the mind, the emotions, and the will.
Just when does genuine repentance occur?

When a person with his mind says, “I am a guilty sinner. I have sinned against God and deserve His wrath” (Psalm 32: 5; 51:3-4; Luke 13:2-5).
When in his heart there is genuine sorrow for that sin (2 Corinthians 7: 10-11; Acts 3:19; Luke 10:13).
When with his will he turns from his sin, forsakes his idols, places his full

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